Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Hazed And Confused

Hello and welcome to another edition of your favorite Indy Wrestling article on TWG, Hazed & Confused. Now sorry for the delay since my last article but hopefully I shall make up for it this issue with what I have in store for you this time around.

So this issue I bring to you,,, my adoring fan... three of my favorite Indy Workers. Now this isn t a Top Three or anything like that, just some of my favorite workers on the Independent Wrestling circuit. Also before anyone jumps in saying �why didn t you include so and so, your stupid!�, this is based only on people that I have seen either through DVD s or other media,Toronto Blue Jays 2009 Baseball Season Preview, so if I haven t included Jim Bob Jackson who works in North Dakota,personalized bobble heads, reason would be that Ive never seen him fight at all so cant pass comment.

So firstly, an honorable mention to Misutero. Now not much is know about Misutero, so little in fact that anything know is purely rumor and speculation. Fans don t even fully know if Misutero is male or female, what his/her face looks like, what color hair they have or anything. We are led to believe that Misutero is Chinese but thats only from his/her ring introduction.

And why is so little known about Misutero? Simple, because Misutero is invisible!! Thats right, invisible, now how awesome is that?

First up is a man who caught my attention whilst watching some old CZW matches and IWA:MS tournaments. Now he isn t one of the best wrestlers but his gimmick and enthusiasm surely make up for it. That guy is the one and only Sexxxy Eddy.

Starting out in 1999, Eddy has mainly wrestled for IWS (International Wrestling Syndicate) which he co formed, and also CZW whilst making some appearances for IWA:MS.

Mainly known for his �Ultra violence� style of wrestling, Eddy s gimmick is what makes him stand out. Think of a very very over the top Val Venus and you re only a small way there to thinking of what Eddy s gimmick is like. Its even more so by the fact that Eddy s attire comprises of skin tight small trunks (almost like Speedo s) and a bow tie. Add in over the top innuendo and it makes for properly one of my favorite gimmicks.

Also with Eddy being such a �Ladies Man� it ended up with him being stuck in the 2006 Queen Of The Deathmatch tournament and subsequently getting his butt kicked by Mayumi Ozaki in a �Light tube Cabin Match�,custom bobbleheads.

His wrestling moves are pretty good and faced paced for his style. Though what caught my attention was both his split legged Moonsault off the turnbuckles and mainly his �Garbage Sault� which involves Eddy performing a Moonsault whilst inside a garbage can, quite an awesome sight to see at first.

Eddy is one worker I urge people to check out, having just notched up his 400th match last July and even though he ll never make it big he surely deserves his place as one of my top Indy workers

Next up and sticking with the �Ultra violence� theme is a guy that some of you will have heard of and has also had some slight mainstream attention after staring in the film �The Wrestler�,personalized bobbleheads, the proclaimed �King Of The Deathmatch� Necro Butcher.

Starting out in 1998 whilst enlisted for the US Army and working under the name �Pvt. Dylan Summers�, Necro has grown quite a fan base with his hardcore style,Sprint Training - Amazing Methods To Success,., stiff punches and his �never say die� attitude.

If you ve ever seen a match involving Necro, you ll agree that he is one messed up individual with the things he puts his body through, including taking numerous unprotected shots to the head from chairs, steel pipes, concrete blocks and even a PC tower. One sickening memory I have from one of his matches, ended with Necro having his lip stapled to the turnbuckle and having to stay there for some time until he could pry the staples out.

As with Eddy,customize bobblehead, Necro has made his name mainly through CZW and IWA:MS and also holds the distinction of being the only man to win both CZW s Tournament Of Death and IWA:MS King Of The Deathmatch.

However, deathmatch wrestling isn t just what Necro is about as many people may know that he was a big part in ROH in the last 18 months with the Age Of Fall angle, tho his debut in that stable did end with him stopping a match he wasn t involved in by punching the ref in the face for no reason except for his own joy.

Probably one of my favorite Necro moments, was in Chikara in 2006 at their Tag Grand Prix, where Necro wrestled in a Chipmunk outfit as �C.P Munk� the Straight Edge Chipmunk (Acorn Free and Better Than You) and teamed with �Colt Ca bunny� (Joker) which obviously was a parody of the Second City Saints team.

Necro is again set to appear in Chikara this year at next months King Of Trio s tournament, forming the team �The Deathmatch Kings� with Toby Klein and the �Terminator� Brain Damage.

If you want to see some brutal wrestling and some pretty sick blows dealt out, I would recommend watching any matches featuring Necro Butcher, though they are definitely not for the faint of heart or squeamish.

The final person I would like to mention I touched upon in my first article. He his probably one of the most under rated wrestlers in North America at the moment and is a very very talented man who also runs and trains people at Chikara, that man is Mike Quackenbush.

Making his debut in 1994, Quack has toured Canada,Love and Money, Mexico and several European countries during his career. In 2004, he briefly united six championships from three different countries (USA, Mexico and Germany) into the I Crown . Currently the holder of the NWA World Junior Heavyweight Championship, Quack holds the second longest title reign at just over 640 days.

His wrestling style is a mixture of Lucha, Puro and European amongst others and tends to use quite a range of holds and submissions. Quick paced but can also go toe to toe with mat based wrestlers and brawlers.

One of the moves that he devised is part of one of my favorite story lines on the Indy scene,customized bobbleheads.

�The Chikara Special� hold sees the wrestler delivering the move have their opponent on their back on the mat. They then curl the left leg around the back of the opponent�s head and pull on both the left arm and right leg of the opponent, effectively tying them up. It applies pressure to several points of the body, such as the wrist, leg and torso, which forces submissions because the victim is unable to escape and gives up to get out, not necessarily because of the pain.

This move came about in May 2007 as Quack was looking for a way to defeat his rival Chris Hero, mainly because Hero knew every move of Quacks and how to counter each one.
Once Hero was defeated by this move, Quack then taught it to each and every member of the Chikara roster,custom bobblehead, even Hero s own tag partner, as he claimed that this move was the key to defeating Hero who could not counter it.

Following the moves debut, Hero began to lose a great number of matches to the likes of El Pantera and Lince Dorado.

However, arguably the most embarrassing loss of Hero�s was to low ranked luchador Equinox, a wrestler most considered to be �enhancement talent� on the roster. This was made even worse when on November 16, 2007, Equinox repeated the feat and again defeated Hero, this time with a backslide. This lead to a Mask vs. Hair match between the two on November 17,personalized bobblehead, which Hero won.

However, the method of victory proved particularly puzzling, as Hero managed to counter the Chikara Special before using the hold on Equinox to gain the victory. Quackenbush appeared particularly baffled from the commentary position wondering how Hero both countered and applied the move.

For about 8 months the mystery of how Hero had learned the counter to the hold was unsolved, with many pondering as to who the �stooge� of the locker room had been.

Things became a lot clearer over the weekend of the 2008 Young Lions Cup weekend.

Following a match where Lightning Storm (Quackenbush and Shane Storm) defeated the Super Smash Bros, rookie wrestler Tim Donst (a newly turned Heel with Ultra Mantis Black�s Order of the Neo Solar Temple) came to the ring and whispered something into the ear of Quack.

This lead to Quack tackling Storm and chasing him from the building,custom bobbleheads.

The next night Quack revealed that Donst had been working undercover and had gained information about the betrayal of the Chikara Special.

It was revealed that in late 2007, when Storm was suffering some problems with his tag team partner Jigsaw, Ultra Mantis had taken Storm in. By doing so, he was able to manipulate Storm into giving away a counter to the Chikara Special.

As a former ally to Hero, we are led to believe that Mantis was able to give the information to him and thus Hero was able to defeat Equinox. However, how the information actually made its way from Storm to Hero has never been explicitly explained, with the Heels involved looking to keep themselves to themselves regarding this matter.

The fallout from this changed much of Chikara�s landscape,custom bobblehead.

Shane Storm and Mike Quackenbush split as a team,personalized bobblehead.

Equinox lost his mask as a result of the hold and became the outcast Vin Gerard, the top heel in the promotion and Young Lions Cup Champion.

Storm eventually turned to the dark side with Gerard, changed his mask and became the violent STIGMA, and they would form two thirds of leading heel unit �The UnStable� with the returning Colin Delaney.

Even the undercover work by Tim Donst changed things, as he managed to persuade Hydra to leave the Order of the Neo Solar Temple and join him as the face tag team known as the Sea Donsters.

Well, I seem to have gone off a bit there, but Mike Quackenbush is one wrestler I highly recommend people to look out for and to check out any of his matches.

Random Ramblings

To finish up this article, here are some random thoughts.

No Way Out is tonight, quick predictions from me are: JBL, Randy Orton, Jack Swagger, John Cena and Triple H all winning their respective matches.

Christian is back!!

This years King Of Trio s is looking better and better, more so now with the inclusion of a team comprising of 90 s Indy wrestler Iceberg, ex WCW Sub Zero ripoff Glacier and... (wait for it) Al Snow!! Such a shame I m in the UK as I would definitely want to go to this event now. Legends Of Wrestlemania roster is amazing, I m looking forward to making a tag team of Andre The Giant and Yokozuna,Let Us Go For Natural! (Natural Soy Candle), who would stop them?

So thats it for another article, thank you for reading and I shall be back with you next week with hopefully a look at CZW.

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