Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Home Gym Equipment To Improve Your Golf Game

As more and more people are becoming more aware of their health, they are beginning to set up home gyms and are looking for home gym equipment. Many are using the extra bedroom or even the garage to set up their home gym.

In the past many people worried about the amount of space that all of the home gym equipment would take up in the house. That is just simply not the case any longer. The home gym equipment that is available is easy to store and even travel with if needed.

Here is a list of the more popular pieces of fitness equipment that many are using in their home gyms today and improving their flexibility and strength. This is allowing them to play more golf and better golf than they ever have before.

Home Gym Equipment Weighted Golf Club

A weighted practice club will help you build strength as well as flexibility. Be sure to purchase a weighted golf club that is weighted in proportion to a real golf club and not just a donut on the end of a shaft. With a practice club that is properly weighted you can take VERY slow swings and build muscle. In addition as you take regular golf swings the extra weight will stretch you out and improve your range of motion. Strength and range of motion are both very important to hitting the ball farther.

Home Gym Equipment Exercise Ball

This piece of fitness equipment goes by many different names such as: Core Balance Ball, Flexibility Ball and Swiss Ball just to name a few. This is a must have piece of fitness equipment for anyone due to the many uses it can have. Obviously in golf, the core is very important. Doing many exercises on the exercise ball will increase the difficulty and make you use your core. In turn, your core becomes stronger.

Home Gym Equipment Resistance Cords or Resistance Bands

Resistance cords or resistance bands can give you a great workout. I know it does not look like it but it is funny that every time that I am done with them, I have had a great workout. A great feature of resistance cords is that you can work every single part of your body with them. Also, they are very easy to store at home out of the way if you use a main room to workout. Resistance cords are so small that you can easily pack them for any trip and never have an excuse of I do not have a gym!

Home Gym Equipment Yoga Mat

You may not choose to do yoga as part of your fitness routine but a yoga mat is still nice to have when you workout. A yoga mat can provide cushioning and comfort for your workouts which can reduce the possibility of injury. In addition, a yoga mat will roll up easily for convenient storage.

Home Gym Equipment Balance Disks

Adding balance disks to your current workout routine can tone and strengthen core muscles, help posture, improve balance and joint stabilization. You can even use the balance disks by themselves and attempt to make your golf swing with them while staying in balance. Even by making movements in slow motion, the balance disks can help you build your strength which will lead to increased distance and accuracy.

By implementing this equipment into your home gym you will be able to increase your strength and flexibility which in turn will better your golf game. In addition, all of these pieces store very easily and will not take up very much room in your house.

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