Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Straight Blazing ECW Report For 06 02 09

Say Goodnight Gracie

Welcome back Ladies and Gentlemen to the latest installment of Straight Blazin! This week will be the ECW report for June 2nd. The show has been hyped with commercials featuring The Hart Trilogy and their dominance on ECW over the last couple of weeks. So this should prove to be an interesting and entertaining ECW with the continuing push of The Hart Trilogy! The Hart Trilogy, for those of you who don�t know, Consists of DH Smith(son of the british bulldog), TJ Wilson(Cousin to Hart Family) and Natalya(Son of Jim Neidhart) These 3 are the future of wrestling in their own respective styles and work flawlessly as a team.

The show kicks off with Evan Bourne making his way to the ring.. How can you go wrong with that situation? So it looks like we might have a good match to kick off the program this week as Evan Bourne�s opponent will be Mark Henry.. HAHAHA Sorry.. I tried to keep a straight face while saying that..

So for the second week in a row we get Evan Bourne going against Mark Henry. Last week we seen Evan Bourne pick up a lucky countout win when he used Henry as a springboard to reach the ring before the refs ten count. Typical david v goliath actions to start the match as Bourne, who is obviously quicker, attempts to get around Henry and proceeds to jump on his back. Mark quickly disposes of him like a gnat on his shoulder. Then takes him down to the mat with a big Tackle type move.

Mark Henry then proceeds to take a beating to Evan Bourne using the steel ringpost to bend his body back against. That was after plopping down on Bournes back a few times and then putting him in the camel clutch as well. Some nice offense by Evan Bourne makes it seem like he is in the match then Mark Henry slams him to the ground to the outside and extinguishes the chance of that. As Evan Bourne goes to get on the top rope as the ref is talking to Mark Henry, Tony Atlas hops up and attempts to get Bourne down. The ref turns around and sees Atlas doing that and disqualifies Henry for the match.

Bourne celebrates in the ring as he picks up his second win in a row over Mark Henry! Mark Henry gets in Tony Atlas face and screams that he doesn�t need him and he had him. I smell a Tony Atlas being fired from the company soon and Mark Henry to turn on him. They then show the highlights from last weeks main event and Swagga�s SICK Gutwrench Powerbomb and shows him picking the win up over Christian. They hype the main event as Christian v Tyson Kidd.. SURE to deliver

After the commercial back we see Dustin Carwile, Yeah I know.. WHO? Taking on Zach Ryder whos theme music is absolutely HORRIBLE. His claim to fame is saying Woo Woo Woo apparently. He needs new theme music and needs new ring pants and maybe Ill give this guy a shot. But moving on to the match which should be a typical jobber squash.

Zach Ryder leads off with some heavy offense and absolutely begins to destroy the jobber and does a good job of looking like a pro. Nothing too impressive from Zach Ryder in the match. A lot of punches and elbows and kicks. A headlock and a camel clutch were the only real different moves he used. His finisher he used, which needs to be changed as well, looked like a variation on the playmaker. He did the playmaker movement but went backwards and brought the opponents head into his shin. Pretty weak looking performance and a weak looking finisher move.

We cut to see Gregory Helms ready to interview who is doing an interview with Finlay who is sporting a HELL of a shiner on his eye. He says hes not sure when he will be cleared to come back and wrestle but he has a message for Jack Swagger. A tooth for a tooth, then he pauses, and says an Eye for an Eye. Interesting little promo and it really sets up a return for him on the horizon. Tommy Dreamer makes his way to the ring for, as Stryker puts it, Could be his farewell match.

We come back from a short commercial break and we find out that Tommy Dreamer�s opponent will be Paul Burchill. Katie Lea gets on the mic and says about how this time next week that Dreamer will be out of a job. The commentators agree that could happen but seem to almost forget that he could win the title before Matthews quickly suggests that Tommy Dreamer could win the ECW title this Sunday at Extreme Rules.

Burchill and Dreamer begin the match with a very slow paced and decently technical match up. A lot of headlocks and slow down periods in the beginning of the match and they are setting a good pace. Nothing too special from either one of them for a while but Burchill controls the majority of the match. Matthews and Stryker do a good job hyping up Tommy Dreamer and how he is the last remaining ECW original and it wouldn�t be the same without him in ECW. Burchill holds a headlock on til Dreamer gets to his feet and reverses out of it. Dreamer nails a few signature moves including his Russian Leg Sweep, A tree of Woe, and the One armed bulldog. It seems that he has it in the bag against Paul Burchill but Burchill gains a bit of offense towards the end. Dreamer nails the DDT out of nowhere and picks up, what could be, his last win on ECW.

Commercial Break again.. But theres something on the commercial break I wanted to comment on. FINALLY, there is a Macho Man DVD coming out! With all the drama and heat that Macho Man and WWE have.. Its so good to see one of the best of all time honored with a DVD collection. Macho Man was one of the better wrestlers in the 80s and early 90s and if you arent old enough to remember some of his amazing matches I recommend you pick the DVD up and do your research. His match with Ricky Steamboat, at Wrestlemania III, is one of my top 3 matches of all time! He was an excellent promo cutter and impressive in ring to say the least.. Must buy deal in this DVD!

We come back and Tommy Dreamer is standing in the ring cutting a promo. He says about how that could be his last match in ECW and he wanted to take the opportunity to say goodbye if he doesn�t win. He says how he will do all he can to make sure he wins the title and remains on ECW. Jack Swagga�s music hits and he comes out to interrupt the goodbye of Tommy Dreamer.

Swagga pokes fun of Dreamer for being the �Heart and Soul� and the last ECW original and claims the only one who cares about that stuff is him. Swagga says that the promise he made was an attempt to put himself in the limelight and that Dreamer is pathetic. He goes on to say by saying what he said that was the only way Tommy Dreamer and the ECW Championship would be uttered in the same sentence. Swagga then goes on to say he will beat Dreamer at Extreme Rules and Christian. He then calls ECW his show and says he will no longer have to hear Dreamer on it. Dreamer says to Swagga that its not about Dreamers glory.. That he put his whole world and life into ECW and he would never disrespect himself and stand there and grasp what little glory that he thought he may have.

Excellent promo from Dreamer and Swagger.. Its really ANYONES game on who could win the ECW title this week at Extreme Rules. Christian v Swagga v Dreamer in an extreme rules match. It is sure to deliver and be a match that will either establish Christian as the ECW champion or it will put Tommy Dreamer in the spotlight ONE more time in his career. Cant wait to find out, that is airing 5 days from now, This Sunday on Pay Per View!

The all too familiar guitar riff plays over the speakers, I mark out again as I hear the into to Bret Harts music, and The Hart Dynasty comes out to a mixed reaction from the crowd. Stryker and Matthews hype them up and the upcoming match! Natalya is looking fantastic as usual, and DH Smith and TJ Wilson are all business..

We come back to the ECW Champion making his way to the ring to a sea of cheers from the crowd. The beginning of the match has chants of �Lets Go Christian� so its obviously who will be the favorite in this match. The two start out evenly matched and exchanging momentum between the two. TJ Wilson is way quicker but both are looking pretty on top of their game as they have a very nice exchange to start the match. TJ Wilson eventually gains the overall control of the match and keeps Christian on the ground for the most part. TJ Wilson has complete control of the match as we go to ANOTHER commercial break.

We come back to see TJ Wilson holding Christian in a one legged Boston Crab and trying to continue the assault when every time Christian gets out of it he puts it back on. Christian does reverse one of them into a small package but TJ Wilson gains control again and keeps it on the ground with a modified Chicken Wing. The two have a beautiful exchange towards the end of the match where they are both on the offensive a bit and Christian gets MANY close 2 counts. After about the fourth close pin fall from Christian he finally gets some solid offense chances in when he goes to the top rope. Swagga comes down to the ring and throws Christian off of his game and he gets thrown to the ground from the top. TJ Wilson then delivers a wicked looking leg drop from the top rope only to get a 2 count.

Tommy Dreamer comes booking down to the ring to take Jack Swagga out as he was going to get into the ring. Dreamer then gets on the apron and cannonballs into the other members of the Hart Dynasty. TJ Wilson gets distracted trying to help out DH Smith by hitting Dreamer, Christian goes to hook a move on but TJ gets out of hit and sets up for something big which is reversed into The KillSwitch by Christian who picks up the hard fought victory. Tommy Dreamer then lays out Christian in the middle of the ring and looks at the ECW title as the show goes off the air. Sign as things to come?

ECW Grade: C+

Overall Thoughts

Well this weeks one didn�t live up to last weeks episode and there was only one standout match on a card of 4. Two squash matches and one no contest that wasn�t exciting at all doesn�t make me want to keep watching. TJ Wilson v Christian was an excellent match and there was a good promo by Swagga and Dreamer.. But nothing stood out on the show going INTO Extreme Rules.

Well Stay Blazin! Tune in next week as always!

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