Sunday, March 8, 2015

Tennis � How To Win Every Time You Play!

Imagine the following situation. Every time you step onto the tennis court whether it�s to play a regular tennis game,Ladies Golf Bag How To Choose A Ladies Golf Bag, a practise match or a competitive match � you WIN!

No, this is not a tennis how to serve lesson because that alone will not win you matches.

No,customize bobblehead, this not some kind of tennis act where I tell you to watch the tennis ball better and you learn absolutely nothing.

No, you can�t get this advice from your local tennis shop, and there are no special tennis terms for what you are about to learn.

No, you can�t just pop a tennis video on and learn it either.


Yes,., it is possible and I am going to show you how to do it!

So here goes � The tennis information on how to win every time you play guide,,.

First things first, a true story (yes it really is true!)

The whole �tennis how to win every time you play� thing started a long time ago when I learnt how to do it and finished most recently with one of the ladies I have started to coach,customized bobbleheads!

Now previously, like most people I coach and see, Karen mainly judged her weeks� tennis on how many games and matches she had won. It also revolved around how she was still unable to beat this player or that player even though she was convinced she was the �better� tennis player with the �better� tennis shots (and the better tennis kit).

Everything was brought into sharp focus one day when I decided we would play doubles against one of the other local coaches and their pupil. We played and lost! But it was Karen�s inability to reproduce the form she had been showing just 10 minutes earlier in the warm up lesson (and she was playing well),personalized bobble heads.

We talked about things and I outlined some of the strategies I have in my Tennis Matchplay System Report at www,Can I Buy Used Summer Wedding Dresses,customized which is written for and works for players of all tennis levels and after a bit of head shaking she began to see that winning tennis matches was not all about just hitting tennis balls.

The following week we played the same pair and drew,custom bobblehead, with Karen playing much better,Are CCTV Kits Affordable,custom bobbleheads, saying she just tried to play and place her shots better. Even though we had drawn the match,custom bobblehead, in her eyes she had made serious progress and in some way even had the feelings of having won (I think you might be seeing where I am going with this).

This was bought up another level the week after when she told me she had played some mixed doubles with a guy during the week and had lost. But she said for the first time since she started playing she realised that although they had lost the doubles as a pair,Online Sports Betting Legalize It,personalized bobble heads, she was really happy with how she had played.

�Even though WE lost� she told me,customize bobblehead, �I, felt like I had won!�

And that is exactly the right way to approach things!

And that is exactly the right way for YOU to approach things!

So, from TODAY stop focusing on the OUTCOME when you play i.e. Win or Lose and start focusing on the PROCESS when you play i.e. raising your 1st serve percentage, cutting down on unforced errors etc.

If you think about it, just improving on a couple of things like your 1st serve percentage and unforced errors will help you WIN more matches anyway.

But, if you improve on the 1 or 2 factors that you choose to focus on (and I recommend you only choose 1 or 2),personalized bobbleheads, and lose the match then your opponent was probably too good BUT you can look back at the match with a really positive outlook in the knowledge that if you continue to focus on and improve on separate facets of your game you will be improving your tennis rankings and improving your tennis game out of sight��.and THAT is the way to WIN every time you play!

Remember & start it today.

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