Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Happy Valentine’s Day My Babies!

This year we are broke. Broke as in we have no money because it must go towards the wedding . Mr. Ladybug was home sick today and made me meatloaf for dinner. So sweet. He got me a card:

and when you open it look what he added:

Hahaha….awww, my cute lil fobby.

This is what I got him:

And since he was making me dinner I got dessert from the Cupcake Cafe across from Paper Presentation on 14th and 6th:

I must tend to my sick man because he’s passing out at the moment on Nyquil watching House on tv so I shall leave you with a sweet story that I just heard over the weekend…

Two Pieces of Chicken

My girlfriend Jane P came over this weekend with our girlfriend Patty while Mr. Ladybug was in Amsterdam. She told me this story while she was intoxicated on MY bottle of Absolut Vodka which SHE finished 90% by herself (drunk bitch).

Mr. Ladybug loves, and I mean LOVES to play golf. He usually goes with his friends, one of them being Danny, who is also one of our groomsmen. Danny and Jane were having a conversation on the phone about love and how Jane’s just very skeptical of finding love. Danny used us as an example saying something about even though we (as in Mr. Ladybug and I) always curse and say things like “shut the f*ck up,” “you’re a bitch,” “whatever asshole,” that even behind all that, he can see that we truly love each other even though we’re demented. Then he proceeded to tell Jane the first time he really knew that Mr. Ladybug was in love with me and that he hasn’t seen Mr. Ladybug like this with his other gf’s…

They had all been out playing golf while I was at home (probably blogging). It was Danny, Mr. Ladybuig, and 2 of their other friends. After they had been out playing all day, Danny said that they were all starving but that they were all broke. So they put together what little money they had and bought 16 pieces of chicken, 4 for each of them.

All the guys finished eating and when they looked at Mr. Ladybug he had only finished 2. Of course being the fat pigs that they are they were like “Aren’t you gonna eat that? If you’re not gonna eat it can I have it?” So Mr. Ladybug answers back that he knows that I didn’t eat anything and that I was probably hungry and he wanted to take it back home for me to eat. The part that really touched me when Jane told me this story was that I know that he was still probably really hungry. I wanted to cry when she told me.

Even though we swear and what not and it seems like I’m always making fun of him on my blog 99.5% of the time, we’re really joking around. We’re almost never serious unless we have to be. Most of the time when I look back at our relationship we’re always laughing about something stupid. We fight like 3-4 times a year. I know I’m a pain in the ass, he DEFINITELY knows I’m a pain in the ass but he loves me. I know he can be difficult, he knows he can be difficult but I love him. And I don’t care if we’re broke because if I have him by my side I truly feel like the luckiest girl in the world because I have his love as hokey as that sounds. There is nothing I wouldn’t do to make him happy and I know he would do the same for me.

If I had 4 pieces of chicken and even though I was starving I would have given him 3 of mine. That means I love him one chicken piece more than he loves me. Bastard. J/K.

Now that this story is out Mr. Ladybug is going to be calling Danny gay. Haha…but it’s the stories about us that I hear from his friends that touch me the most because they’ve known him longer and they’re the ones that can tell that he’s changed because of the love that we have for each other.

Happy V-Day baby! It’s our 6th one. I love you lots. We’re getting married!

Tags: new-york BLOGGER Mrs. Ladybug Location: New York/Philadelphia Occupation: Full-time blogger from 7 pm to 12 am Wedding Date: April 2006 Venue: Ballroom at the Ben, Philadelphia --> PREVIOUS POSTEngagement Ring Insurance Part I NEXT POSTKnottie Bios of the Week Related Posts Walrus Invites: Part 1, Friendors Come in Handy 02/25/15 @ 4:55 pm The Venue Search: Take One11/03/14 @ 12:57 pm After the Wedding: The Most Memorable Part of the Potion Wedding Day10/07/14 @ 8:32 am How Sweet It Is11/17/14 @ 1:42 pm

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