Friday, May 1, 2015

At Last ! New Method To Finance A Business - Canadian Confidential Financing Factoring Receivables

A new thing in business is usually a good thing,customized bobbleheads,Great Golf And Spa Vacation Destinations, it's usually a welcome thing,Start Your Own Martial Arts Business,personalized bobblehead, and a new spin on that same good thing is of coruse even better.C I D . What the heck is that you say? It's a little known term in Canadian business financing called confidential invoice discounting. Simply speaking it's a new way of factoring financing your receivables when you want to finance a business.Let's ensure we have a clear understanding of financing factoring in general though,personalized bobble heads, and then we'll show you why C I D is clearly head and shoulders above.Believe it or not,custom bobbleheads, because we run into them almost every day,personalized bobble heads, there are still many small and medium sized businesses in Canada that aren't aware of receivable financing . Simply speaking its getting an advance on your billed receivables today,Choose The Right Canadian Leasing Services And Financing Companies When You Lease Equipment !,customized bobbleheads, with a fee being charged for the use of the funds until that receivable is collected.Why would something so simple then be so popular and dramatic when it comes to cash flow and working capital for you business. Simply because as your revenues grow you ability to borrow, lock step in turn with those sales, grows also. In the U.S. alone billions of dollars (yes that's billions with a ' B') are financed every year. Slowly,personalized bobblehead, almost too slowly we think,personalized bobbleheads, this method of financing is becoming more popular every day - even to the extent that some of the largest firms in Canada employ financing of this type. (If the big boys do it, well it must be right ...?).We seem to spend a lot of time with clients talking about the ' stigma ' of financing factoring your receivables. That is kind of because receivable finance used to be associated with firms that had financial challenges,custom bobblehead, so to speak! But let's get serious,., after the 2008-2009 global recession and financial implosion even banks and worlds largest corporations were on their knees to some extent,customize bobblehead, so don't talk to us about financial challenges..!There is kind of a second part to the whole ' stigma ' issue,customize bobblehead, which is simply the core of our subject today. When factoring moved into Canada awhile back it's not surprise it came from the U.S. and European models. That business model for this type of financing has your financing factoring firm confirming your receivables with your clients.What's that you say...??You find that a bit ' intrusive '? Voila! Enter C I D - confidential invoice discounting. Simply speaking you are in charge of your own billing and collecting procedures - but,,, and it's a big ' but '... you still get all the benefits of receivable financing when you choose to finance a business in this manner .Costs for C I D are essentially the same as ' regular ' factoring... so why wouldnt you opt for this type of Canadian business financing solution.So what's our bottom line,custom bobblehead,5 Reasons To Consider Canada Government Loans . How To Use The SBL Federal Loan Program, that's really what clients are looking for? Simply speaking its that if you are considering a bit of a non traditional approach to financing your Canadian business then investigate factoring financing - and when you do don't forget to ask about C I D - Confidential invoice discounting finance. Speak to a trusted,personalized bobbleheads, credible and experienced Canadian business financing advisor who will demonstrate the costs and benefits of Canada's newest kid on the block in business finance.

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